Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Rocky III/IV/V 2 minute analysis

- Shows studio company logo at very start of movie (United Artists).
- Second company logo shown at start (MGM productions), during which soft music starts to play.
- Fades into directors name 'sylvester Stallone' / who produced it'Robert Chartoff
Irwin Winkler'
- Voice over is conveyed and states "It's blind instinct.
          But now it is Creed coming back with the left hand!
          What's keeping these two guys up? A tremendous closing moment!
          Here comes Balboa back, but the champion's back with another left". during the name of director.
- Crowd noise is inserted to set the mood.
- Prop shown of champioship belt, to show the superiority of the fighter.
- Theme music starts when name of movie enters from the start.
- Music gets more intense.
- Font of title is simple, but big and bold.
- Fades into previous movie of fight.
- Shows fighting straight away.
- Scars and bruises shown, from long distance shot.
- Second shot is from a worms eye view + Low angle shot and shows man falling to the ground.
- Women screams to show shock.
- Referee counts down to suggest rush.
- Boxers struggleing to get up, shown from a high angle shot.
- Medium shot view to show expressions.
- Crowd shown from different perspectives to show the range of people there.
- Music starts with a major key tone, to convey happiness of the win.
- Wide angle shot used to show crowd a celebration.

Shows High landscape perspective of fight.

- Shows studio company logo  at very start of movie (United Artists)
- Shows second company logo at the start (MGM productions)
- Shows who produced the film 'Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler'.
- Music starts duiring the end of directors name showing 'Sylvester Stallone'.
- Music sets a tone of intesnity.
- Gloves appear/ props shown to give a clear perspective of what it is about.
- Music gets louder, could represent punches from boxers.
- Each glove has the flag of both countries U.S.A and the Russian flag, to represent who's fighting and where they are from.
- Shows gloves clashing together, to show how big the fight is. Also shows explosion when gloves hit eachother.
- Goes straight into fight of previous movie.
- Shows a man shouting to repreent the inseity.
- Shows camera view from 1st person perspective, to show his reaction of the fight.
- Shows oppenent hitting the other from over shoulder shot.
- Shown 180 degree rule from outside the ring, to give the atmosphere a mood of exitment and to also involve the audience.
- Blood shown on the face.
- Man jumps to represent his win in the fight.
- Then fades into the movie, and shows name of film 'ROCKY IV' with simple font.

Shows props to give out a symbollic idea of power. Also shows extreme close up, good for detail.

- Shows production company logo at the very start of movie (united artists).
- Second production company logo shown at start (MGM productions)
- Fades into the name of the second production company.
- Font size is big and bold and has white colouring.
- Conveys crowd aswell as music into the title sequences.
- Director name is shown with the same consistent font size and colour.
- Actors names shown with same font size and colour.
- Music theme starts just after the first actor is named.
- Name of film appears from the side, sliding in from the right side of the screen.
- Font size is big and bold.
- Colour of font is replaced with video footage of past fight.
- Shows name of movie in white capital letters.
- Shows medium shot used on both characters.
- Shows a low angle perspective whilst having an over the shoulder shot but a lower version.
- Use of 180 degree, of the two boxers.
- More use of extreme close ups, to show all facial expressions.
- Names appear at the side of each actor.


  1. Rudi seems to be doing most of the work in this group. The rest of you need to pull your weight! I'm still waiting to see the remaining questions answered for the preliminary task. You are currently working between Level 1 and Level 2 standard, depending on which member of the group you are. There needs to be a more committed effort if you are to reach Level 4. Use the Year 13 blogs to see what sort of material you need to be uploading.

  2. This analysis is reasonable, Rudi, but a very good student would be more precise in his/her comments (at times yours are vague) and use more screenshots to illustrate points.
