- Shows studio company logo at very start of movie (United Artists).
- Second company logo shown at start (MGM productions), during which soft music starts to play.
- Fades into directors name 'sylvester Stallone' / who produced it'Robert Chartoff
Irwin Winkler'
- Voice over is conveyed and states "It's blind instinct.
But now it is Creed coming back with the left hand!
What's keeping these two guys up? A tremendous closing moment!
Here comes Balboa back, but the champion's back with another left". during the name of director.
- Crowd noise is inserted to set the mood.
- Prop shown of champioship belt, to show the superiority of the fighter.
- Theme music starts when name of movie enters from the start.
- Music gets more intense.
- Font of title is simple, but big and bold.
- Fades into previous movie of fight.
- Shows fighting straight away.
- Scars and bruises shown, from long distance shot.
- Second shot is from a worms eye view + Low angle shot and shows man falling to the ground.
- Women screams to show shock.
- Referee counts down to suggest rush.
- Boxers struggleing to get up, shown from a high angle shot.
- Medium shot view to show expressions.
- Crowd shown from different perspectives to show the range of people there.
- Music starts with a major key tone, to convey happiness of the win.
- Wide angle shot used to show crowd a celebration.
Shows High landscape perspective of fight.
- Shows studio company logo at very start of movie (United Artists)
- Shows second company logo at the start (MGM productions)
- Shows who produced the film 'Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler'.
- Music starts duiring the end of directors name showing 'Sylvester Stallone'.
- Music sets a tone of intesnity.
- Gloves appear/ props shown to give a clear perspective of what it is about.
- Music gets louder, could represent punches from boxers.
- Each glove has the flag of both countries U.S.A and the Russian flag, to represent who's fighting and where they are from.
- Shows gloves clashing together, to show how big the fight is. Also shows explosion when gloves hit eachother.
- Goes straight into fight of previous movie.
- Shows a man shouting to repreent the inseity.
- Shows camera view from 1st person perspective, to show his reaction of the fight.
- Shows oppenent hitting the other from over shoulder shot.
- Shown 180 degree rule from outside the ring, to give the atmosphere a mood of exitment and to also involve the audience.
- Blood shown on the face.
- Man jumps to represent his win in the fight.
- Then fades into the movie, and shows name of film 'ROCKY IV' with simple font.
Shows props to give out a symbollic idea of power. Also shows extreme close up, good for detail.
- Shows production company logo at the very start of movie (united artists).
- Second production company logo shown at start (MGM productions)
- Fades into the
name of the second production company.
- Font size is big and bold and has white colouring.
- Conveys crowd aswell as music into the title sequences.
- Director name is shown with the same consistent font size and colour.
- Actors names shown with same font size and colour.
- Music theme starts just after the first actor is named.
- Name of film appears from the side, sliding in from the right side of the screen.
- Font size is big and bold.
- Colour of font is replaced with video footage of past fight.
- Shows name of movie in white capital letters.
- Shows medium shot used on both characters.
- Shows a low angle perspective whilst having an over the shoulder shot but a lower version.
- Use of 180 degree, of the two boxers.
- More use of extreme close ups, to show all facial expressions.
- Names appear at the side of each actor.